ワイヤレスリモコン エアサスペンション 8ch Descriptio GENERAL INFORMATION . TEBÃO SITE. The 8-chael i-System cotrol is ideal for you who are lookig for precisio i activatig your Air suspesio. Accompaied by the Cotrol Pael, you ca isert it ito your block ad itegrate the system with your kit. More coveiece ad reliability of a product from Tebão Suspesões Especiais. AVAILABLE MODEL: I-System Cotrol TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION: - I-System 8-chael had cotrol - Electroic cetral - Plug ad Play whip PACKAGE CONTENT 1. i-System cotrol 2. Cetral V1 3. V1 power haress 4. Istallatio maual via QR code. AVAILABLE COLORS: - Black IMPORTANT: - We recommed that the istallatio is doe by a specialized professioal ad we are ot resposible for the misuse of the product.